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Audiobook for Fahrenheit 451 FREE by Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury was an American writer who published 27 novels, numerous short stories, screenplays, essays, and poems. He is best known for his dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 (1953). His science fiction anticipated electric typewriters, interactive television, video games, nuclear war, space travel and the existence of the Internet. Fahrenheit 451 Summary FAQ About Fahrenheit 451…

Ray Bradbury was an American writer who published 27 novels, numerous short stories, screenplays, essays, and poems.

He is best known for his dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 (1953). His science fiction anticipated electric typewriters, interactive television, video games, nuclear war, space travel and the existence of the Internet.

Fahrenheit 451 Summary

FAQ About Fahrenheit 451

How old is Clarisse?

Seventeen years
Clarisse McClellan


A beautiful seventeen year old girl who presents Montag with the potential for beauty and meaning of the world with her sweet innocence and curiosity.

What does Faber say is missing from society?

In Fahrenheit 451, Faber says there are three things missing from society.

These things are high quality information, the freedom to digest that information, and the ability to act on what people learn from the interaction of these two things.

What does Clarisse symbolize in f451?


Clarisse’s character represents individuality and nostalgia.

Unlike the superficial and nonsensical majority, Clarisse does not conform to society’s standards and remains herself.

He loves being a freak and refuses to assimilate or act like his companions …

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