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Audiobook for Fahrenheit 451 FREE by Ray Bradbury

In the novel, the authority figures – the government and media – tell its citizens that censorship is necessary for their safety, when it is in fact a method by which authority figures control and limit freedom of thought and speech. The novel has often been interpreted as a warning against state censorship. Listen Here…

In the novel, the authority figures – the government and media – tell its citizens that censorship is necessary for their safety, when it is in fact a method by which authority figures control and limit freedom of thought and speech.

The novel has often been interpreted as a warning against state censorship.

Listen Here to Audiobook for Fahrenheit 451 Part 2/4
Fahrenheit 451 Audiobook Part 2 – Ray Bradbury | Free Novel Audio Books.

FAQ About Fahrenheit 451

Why is Audiobook for Fahrenheit 451 called that?

He named his most famous book, Fahrenheit 451, after “the temperature at which the paper in the book catches fire and burns”.


Does the paper really burn at 451 degrees Fahrenheit? …

Bradbury’s title refers to the paper’s self-ignition point, the temperature at which it will ignite without being exposed to an external flame.

What does Fahrenheit 451 symbolize?

An example of symbolism in Fahrenheit 451 is the phoenix. The phoenix is ​​used to symbolize rebirth. It shows that once something is created, it must fall. Humanity would be compared to the phoenix that burns itself and then rises from the ashes.

What is the moral lesson of Fahrenheit 451?


Fahrenheit 451 is explicit in its warnings and moral lessons addressed to the present.

Bradbury believes that human society can easily become oppressive and regimented, unless it changes its current trend toward censorship (suppression of an individual’s innate rights).

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