How To Let Money Work For You: 14 Ways to Create a Powerful Cash Flow System

Want to create a cash flow? Here are 14 proven ways how to let money work for you – all of which can help you save money and improve your financial situation.

Want to create a cash flow? Here are 14 proven ways how to let money work for you – all of which can help you save money and improve your financial freedom/situation.

Creating a cash flow system is one of the most important things you can do to secure your future. You see, having access to disposable income means you’ll be able to take care of all your financial responsibilities – from putting aside money for retirement and college, to paying off big-ticket items and taking vacations. 

That being said, creating a cash flow system requires patience and self-discipline. It also requires an understanding of how money operates in the real world. That’s because not every penny will come easily or immediately – which is why we’ve outlined the 14 ways you need to take in order to create a cash flow system like this:

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How To Let The Money Work For You: 13 Ways to Create an Extreme Cash Flow System

Traditional ways: how make money work for you

1. Set up a savings account

When you set up a savings account, you’re establishing an account that will serve as your “emergency account”. This is where you’ll put all the money you save for unexpected expenses, like a car repair or a medical bill. 


While you don’t have to have an emergency account set up right away, we recommend you start saving as soon as you can – ideally, as soon as you get your first job. 

There are a few reasons why setting up an emergency account is so important:

First, we know that a lot of you are in school right now – and we recommend that you have some money saved up so you don’t have to rush around and scramble to come up with money as soon as you graduate. 

Next, a lot of people don’t realize that they’ll have to pay back their student loans after they’ve gotten out of school. 

So, if you’re not saving up enough money to be able to cover these payments, you’re going to be in for some serious financial stress.


So, if you haven’t been saving up on a regular basis, now’s a good time to start.

2. Establish an investment strategy

We know how important it is to set up a savings account – but you can’t just save money forever. After all, you want to be able to enjoy the things that money can buy – like vacations, expensive electronics, and cool new gadgets. 

So, the second step you need to take is to develop a solid investment strategy. You see, while saving is important, you also need to make sure that you’re not overly conservative with your money. 

After all, you don’t want to be living under your means or feeling like you’re missing out on life’s luxuries because you’re too afraid to take risks. Rather, you want to make investments that will grow your money and provide you with a return on your investment.

Some good investment options to consider include real estate, stocks, and bonds. While there are a lot of options out there, we recommend that you focus in on a few investment strategies – and then, rotate between them. For example, if you pick stocks that are in industries that you know nothing about, you could end up losing your money. 


So, the more research you do before picking your stocks, the better off you’ll be. Next, we recommend you have a diversified portfolio. This means you should have a few stocks in your portfolio but not too many.

3. Diversify your investments

With your savings account and investment strategy in place, the next thing you want to do is to diversify your investments. What this means is that you want to make sure that you’re not putting all of your eggs in one basket. Rather, you want to spread your money out in different investment strategies. 

For example, you might decide to put some of your money into stocks that are in a certain industry and then rotate between a few different stock strategies each year.

4. Automate your paycheck payment

If you’ve gotten this far, then you’re one step away from creating a cash flow system that will help you secure your financial future. The next thing you need to do is to automate your paycheck payment. 

This is where you decide to take control of your finances by setting up an automatic paycheck deduction. The advantages of this are that it allows you to consistently put money away that you would otherwise be able to spend. 


Plus, it means that you won’t have to worry about saving money and keeping track of finances as much since your savings will be taken care of by your employer. 

The downside of this? Well, once your employer gets used to sending you an automatic paycheck deduction, they might decide to change it to a direct deposit. And, that could be a huge problem for your cash flow system. 

So, what we recommend is that, if your employer does change your paycheck deduction to a direct deposit, you let them know that you’ve decided to set up a cash flow system. 

This way, you’ll still be able to get the money that you need from your employer.

5. Estimate monthly expenses

The next thing you want to do is to estimate your monthly expenses. What you want to do here is to make sure that you’re not overspending on a daily basis. 


After all, you want to make sure that you’re not blowing all of your savings and that you’re not living beyond your means. 

So, where do you start? Well, there are a lot of free budgeting calculators and websites out there that will help you with this. However, we recommend that you start by looking over your receipts. 

This will help you get an idea of what your daily expenses are. Once you know what they are, you can use this information to create a budget that will help you not overspend on a daily basis.

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New ways: how to get money work for you

6. Build assets

Build assets is the first thing you should do in order to build a cash flow system. This is because assets are the resources you’ll use to generate cash flow. In other words, if you have assets worth $10,000, you can recognize $10,000 in income. 

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And if you have $100,000 in assets, you can pay $100,000 worth of bills. The problem, though, is that many people spend their time and money chasing assets rather than creating them. 

The result? Many people end up with more assets than cash flow – meaning, they have lots of stuff, but very little money. There are two ways of building assets. You can either create your own assets or you can find someone who has assets that can be transferred to you.

What assets mean

When you hear about assets, people often think of stocks and bonds. But assets can also be things like a business, real estate, intellectual property, or even your time and skills. 

The key thing to remember is that assets are anything that have value – which is why you need to steer clear of bad debts.

You don’t want to take on debt if it can’t be used as an asset. For example, if you borrow money to buy a new car, the car won’t provide any income or cash flow – which means it isn’t really an asset at all. Therefore, unless you plan on using the car as collateral for a loan (so that you can get another loan), don’t buy it!


The two kinds of assets:

There are two different kinds of assets: passive and active. 

  • Passive assets generate cash flow on their own – they make money without any effort from you. 
  • Active assets require your time and effort in order to generate income from them – because they don’t create cash flow on their own.

The biggest problem most people face when it comes to building wealth is that they focus too much on active income (which requires lots of work) and not enough on passive income (which requires very little work). 

The result? A lot of people end up working hard for years before they realize that their efforts aren’t really paying off with big dividends.

7. Consider online businesses

One of the best ways to create new assets is by building or investing in existing online businesses, like e-commerce stores, blogs, software, or even youtube channels.

By purchasing or building an existing online asset, you don’t have to come up with all of the ideas, products, or features. You just have to spend time researching the market, learning about what other people are doing, and understanding how to profit from the trends that are already happening. 


Think about these businesses as passive assets that produce passive income. You can use this passive income to fund other passive assets, like real estate, that produce an active income.

8. Invest in people/team

If you’re going to create a cash flow system, you need to make sure that you have the right people in place. And the right people are the people who can generate cash flow. 

That’s because they can: 

  • Bring you new customers or clients 
  • Generate more revenue from existing customers 
  • Generate recurring revenue from subscriptions, memberships, and products with a contract length 
  • Generate revenue from consulting agreements 
  • Assist with asset-based lending 
  • Assist with debt consolidation 
  • Assist with tax and income preparation 
  • Assist with asset protection 
  • Assist with estate planning 
  • Assist with asset management 
  • Assist with budgeting and forecasting 
  • Assist with critical thinking 
  • Assist with cash flow forecasting 
  • Assist with hiring and managing staff 
  • Assist with procurement 
  • Assist with accounting 
  • And the best part of working with people and teams is that you don’t have to do everything alone. 

You can delegate tasks, receive assistance, and focus on what’s most important to you. You see, while you might have the skills to be a great entrepreneur, you don’t have to be an expert at everything.

9. Invest in new businesses/startups

One of the best ways to invest in a new business is to start one yourself. The risks are very low, and you can learn a lot about the business world. This can be a great way to test your entrepreneurial skills, and it’s a way to earn passive income.


If you don’t want to start a business from scratch, you can always invest in a startup. You might be able to get some equity in the company, and you’ll be able to profit if the business succeeds.

Lastly, you should look into angel investing. A lot of startups only need small amounts of money to get started, and angels can provide that money without taking any risk. While investing in startups isn’t risk-free, it’s still one of the best ways to invest in new businesses and startups.

Looking to invest in new businesses or startups can be done in a number of different ways, check these 18 ideas and tips below: 

  1. Invest in equity-based investments 
  2. Invest in debt-based investments 
  3. Partner with other people to invest in business ventures 
  4. Invest in real estate 
  5. Invest in businesses that generate revenue from recurring sources 
  6. Invest in businesses that generate revenue from one-time sources 
  7. Invest in businesses that generate revenue through multiple avenues 
  8. Invest in businesses that generate revenue through multiple geographies 
  9. Invest in businesses that generate revenue through multiple sales channels 
  10. Invest in businesses that generate revenue through trade shows 
  11. Invest in businesses that generate revenue through sponsorships
  12. Invest in businesses that generate revenue through advertising 
  13. Invest in businesses that generate revenue through sponsored content 
  14. Invest in businesses that generate revenue through e-commerce 
  15. Invest in businesses that generate revenue through internet marketing 
  16. Invest in businesses that generate revenue through email marketing 
  17. Invest in businesses that generate revenue through social media marketing 
  18. Invest in businesses that generate revenue through SEO

10. Invest in existing businesses

Many entrepreneurs cite the value of investing in existing businesses as one of their greatest assets. By investing in an existing business, you can gain access to a proven model and valuable knowledge that will help you build your business. You can also benefit from the experience and connections of an established entrepreneur.

As an owner, you’re able to take on greater risk than a passive investor, but you also have more control and are able to scale your business quickly. And if you invest in a company that goes on to become a success, it can be rewarding both financially and emotionally.


There are several ways to find good opportunities and make an investment in a company:

  • Go directly to the source – The best way to find great companies is through personal connections and word-of-mouth. Look for businesses that have strong customer bases, strong growth potential and clear product or service differentiation.
  • Leverage financial resources – If you don’t have any personal capital available, consider leveraging your family’s money or looking for strategic partners who could help with areas such as marketing, sales support or distribution channels, among others.

11. Invest in stocks

When it comes to stocks, you’re going to have to be very patient. That’s because investing in stocks requires a lot of patience. Investing in stocks also requires research, which means you’re going to have to prioritize your time. 

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And, let’s face it – investing in stocks can be risky. And, if you lose money, you could end up losing money. That’s why we don’t recommend investing your entire cash flow system in stocks. 

Instead, we recommend that you diversify your money through different asset types. You see, while investing in stocks is risky, investing in real estate, debt, and private equity isn’t.

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12. Invest in ETFs

If you’re looking to diversify your investment portfolio, you could consider investing in exchange-traded funds. And, while there are many different types of ETFs, we recommend you look into investment funds that invest in real estate. 

Why? Because real estate has proven to be one of the best ways to diversify your investment portfolio and generate substantial returns. That’s because real estate is a long-term investment that’s guaranteed to provide you with a financial return. 

ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) are one of the simplest and most effective ways to invest in stocks. ETFs are simply a collection of stocks that trade on an exchange. When you buy into an ETF, you’re actually purchasing a share of that fund itself. The price per share is determined by the value of the stocks inside the fund, and it changes daily based on how those stocks are performing. This makes ETFs very flexible, as you can easily shift your investment allocation at any time.

There are many benefits to investing in ETFs over buying individual stocks. ETFs are very low cost; And because they’re traded on exchanges, you don’t have to worry about slippage – when trades get delayed because the market isn’t moving fast enough for your broker to execute them. 

Lastly, there are some tax advantages to investing in ETFs over investing directly in the companies themselves. Because ETF shares trade like common stock, you can defer capital gains taxes until you sell them.


13. Invest in real estate

Real estate is one of the best assets you can invest in. And, arguably, it’s the best way to diversify your cash flow system. 

Why? Because real estate is an asset that provides you with an immediate financial return. And, because real estate can generate cash flow over a long period of time, it’s a great way to diversify your investment portfolio. 

How to invest in real estate

There are many ways to invest in real estate. Some people choose to invest in a single property, while others choose to invest in a fund that owns multiple properties. Whichever type of investor you are, there are a number of factors to consider when choosing an investment property.

First, the neighborhood you choose should be good for both your and your investment’s long-term health. You want the property to be close to schools, shopping, parks, and entertainment that both you and your tenants will appreciate.

Second, the property must be in good condition before you lease it to your tenants. This means that there are no structural problems with the building or the property itself. You also want the property to be well-maintained so that it will continue to be attractive to tenants.


Third, find a good tenant who is reliable and responsible. It is important that this individual respect your space and privacy as well as the property itself. If he or she damages anything or any of the other tenants do, you don’t want a scene at your open house!

Finally, make sure you have enough money socked away so that you can afford any unexpected repairs or maintenance costs. If you don’t have enough set aside, you may lose out on a great investment property.

14. Invest in REITs

If you are thinking of investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts then there are a few points that you need to understand.

1. REITs are, in general, a good investment for long-term investors because they offer stable and growing income as well as diversified portfolios of real estate.

2. REITs are also an excellent way for investors to diversify risk, as they are generally very liquid investments that can be sold easily, regardless of the market environment.


3. Finally, because interest is paid out of company earnings and not out of a separate pool of investor funds as is the case with most bonds, REITs are tax-free for individual investors.

What’re REITs

A real estate investment trust is a company that invests its funds in real estate, which can create income for investors. The funds are used to buy and manage properties.

There are many types of REITs. Some buy and manage office buildings, while some buy and manage apartment complexes or student housing. Some REITs invest in commercial properties or shops, while others invest in hotels or resorts.

REITs can be a good way to invest in real estate because they’re usually more liquid than other types of investments like stocks or bonds. This means you can quickly sell your shares if you want to use the money elsewhere or if the market goes down.

REITs also have some tax benefits over other types of investments like stocks. You can usually deduct your contributions to a REIT from your taxes. This can save you money on your tax bill.


Finally, REITs tend to have a higher yield than other types of investments like bonds or CDs. That’s because they’re generally more liquid and have lower interest rates.

How to invest in REITs

The best way to invest in REITs is through a managed fund or exchange-traded fund that specializes in these investments. These funds normally charge small fees and normally have low expense ratios. 

A managed fund will be able to invest your money in many different REITs so that you don’t have to spend time researching individual investments. 

An exchange-traded fund, also known as an ETF, tracks the price of a specific type of security, such as a commodity or a stock index. 

Both of these types of funds are very popular with investors because they offer low-cost diversification and tax efficiency.


So the best way to invest in REITs is to buy shares through the major stock exchange by:

  1. Purchasing shares of a non-traded REIT through a broker that participates in the REIT’s offering. This will ensure that you receive all of the benefits that come with being an investor in a REIT, such as tax benefits and liquidity.
  2. Invest in a REIT mutual fund or REIT exchange-traded fund. Both of these investments provide additional protection to your investment by diversifying your investments across multiple REITs and income properties, and providing exposure to the stock market’s performance.

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Let money work for you

At the end of the day, the only way to create a cash flow system is to let money work for you. And, this means that whenever you have cash flow, you need to make sure you’re funding your long-term financial goals. 

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That’s because investing in stocks, real estate, or business ventures can take a long time to pay off. 

And, if you don’t use the money to fund these goals, it’ll sit in your savings account, earning low-interest rates. And, at the end of the day, that’s not going to help you build a better future for yourself. 


That’s why you need to make sure that you’re funding your long-term financial goals whenever you have cash flow. That way, you’ll make sure that you’re positioning yourself for the future.

FAQ about How To Let The Money Work For You

How do you use money to work for you?

There are many ways to use money to work for you, but I’d like to offer five tips that I have found helpful:

1. Get a budget that works for you.

2. Save for the things that matter most, like later in life or for a big purchase.

3. Take advantage of any tax benefits available to you as a consumer or saver.


4. Take advantage of any employer matching programs that you may be eligible for.

5. Make sure your money is working for you by automating the process where possible or even adding artificial constraints in order to increase the frequency and amount of your spending.

How can I make more money with money?

– Start a savings account with your earnings and put the leftover money into something that generates more money. Start investing in stocks and wait for the value to increase.

– Open a high-yield savings account to get extra interest on your savings. A high-yield savings account provides you with a higher interest rate than regular savings accounts, but it comes with higher risks because the rates are usually lower than certificates of deposit or other fixed-rate investments.

– Develop streams of passive income by selling things online or through platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. You can get paid to write reviews, take surveys, or complete tasks. You can also earn money by selling your music or video creations or editing videos.


– Store your earnings in a retirement account like an IRA or 401(k). This will help you save more money for your later years.

– Invest in the market by opening a brokerage account and buying stocks and bonds. If you do well, you can use a tax-loss harvesting strategy to sell at a loss and move your assets into a more tax-advantaged investment vehicle like a Roth IRA.

What is the best way to let your money grow?

– Set up an emergency fund. A rainy day fund is an important step towards financial security. Start investing in your future by putting aside a small amount of money each month to cover unexpected expenses like medical bills or car repairs.

– Establish financial goals. Even if your finances are healthy, it can be hard to stay motivated towards your financial goals. Remind yourself of the rewards that you will receive if you achieve your goals, like increased self-confidence or financial freedom.

– Change your mindset. Once you’re financially secure, it’s easy to start worrying about the ups and downs of life. But, that’s not helping your money grow! Instead, focus on how to improve your situation with positive thinking and positivity.


– Set and stick to a budget. While it can be difficult to stick to a budget, it is one of the most effective ways to manage your money and grow it over time. Think about how you would spend any extra money that you have. When the perfect opportunity arises, only buy what is truly necessary and don’t overshop!

What should I invest 100k in?

If you are single and planning to invest your money, invest in real estate because it is a stable source of income. If you plan to marry one day, then I would suggest individual stock investing because it gives you more control over your investments. 

If you have children, then I would suggest ETFs and mutual funds because it gives you more flexibility in managing your money. If you want more return on your money, then I would suggest investing in IRAs because they give tax exemption on investment interest. 

If you want an easy way to invest money, then peer-to-peer lending is the best option because it gives the lowest interest rate.

Where should a beginner invest?

There are a lot of options for an investing beginner, but I’d start with high-yielding savings accounts and CDs. High-yield savings accounts deposit interest into your checking or savings account, while certificates of deposit (the most common type of CD) are a fixed-term investment that gives you access to interest prior to maturity. 


Mutual funds are a fantastic way to start investing in stocks. They’re ideal for those who want to make a large impact with their money but don’t know exactly where to begin. 

ETFs are similar to mutual funds, but they trade like individual stocks, so the value can move more quickly on the open market. Individual stocks aren’t for everyone, but if you want more control over your investments and the potential for bigger gains, they’re an excellent place to start.

Final Thoughts

We know that creating a cash flow system is not an easy task. It takes time and work, especially if you want to create one for yourself. But, we also know that the more money you have in your pocket, the easier it will be to get started with creating a cash flow system.

When you’re starting out, it can feel like you’re going through the motions – but don’t let this discourage you! Instead, take things slowly and start working on building assets instead of chasing assets. 

And while asset building isn’t exactly easy, we promise that once you do it once or twice, it will become second nature to you and then it will start feeling natural.


The best way to create a cash flow system is to make sure that you have a savings account and an investment strategy. Then, you need to automate your paycheck payment so that you can save money and invest it. And finally, you need to estimate monthly expenses so that you don’t spend all of your money on daily expenses.

But how do you actually get the money work for you? The answer is simple: by creating an asset portfolio and diversifying investments. This will help ensure that your funds are not wasted while they are being used for investments rather than consumption. 

Creating a cash flow system is easy if you know what to do. However, if you don’t know what to do, then it can be hard work – but with time and persistence, it will become easier and easier as time goes on!

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