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The Best Writing Prompts for Beginners: How to Write Creative Content That Stands Out

Writing prompts for beginners guide: learn the best ways and steps how to make creative content pieces that stand out with the help of these special prompts!

Writing prompts for beginners guide: learn the best ways and steps how to make creative content pieces that stand out with the help of these special prompts!

The creative writing process can be confusing. You might not know where to start or what to write about. It may be hard to find inspiration for your writing, and you might feel like you don’t have any creativity. 

But guess what? You do! Everyone has the capacity for creativity, but it needs to be nurtured and developed. There are many different ways to cultivate your creativity, but one of the best ways is by using creative prompts.

Here, are some tips on how to make your next creative piece stand out with a little help from these great writing prompts.


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What are writing prompts? - The Best Writing Prompts for Beginners

What are writing prompts?

Writing prompts are used to encourage creativity in writing. However, they are not the only way to cultivate creativity. There are many ways to develop your creative thinking, including through meditation or brainstorming.

Writing prompts are tools that allow you to work on your writing skills with direction. A writing prompt will provide you with a specific topic to write about, but it’s up to you to work on how to do so.

Writing prompts are very helpful for beginners because they help you get started with your writing. They provide you with a general idea of what you should be writing about, but it’s up to you to take the idea and flesh it out into something more substantial.


There are many different kinds of prompts, but one of the most popular kinds is the Three-Word Prompt. With this prompt, you start with three words and use them as inspiration for your writing. For example, “A Sunny Day” could become “The sun is shining brightly” or “There is a slight chill in the air.”

This form of writing prompt is popular because it’s easy and it provides you with some direction. But if you like, there are many other

Creative Writing Process

So, how does the creative writing process work? Creative writing can be broken down into three steps:

  1. Writing Prompts
  2. Drafting
  3. Revising
  • Step one as beginners is where you’ll find creative writing prompts. These are questions, statements, or situations that you can use to help you start writing creatively.

For example, if you were writing about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, your writing prompt could be “you never forget your first sandwich.”

  • Step two is where you’ll draft the creative piece using these prompts. It’s when you put pen to paper and start writing. You can also use photos or videos for inspiration.
  • Step three is where you will revise the piece with your creative writing prompts in mind. You’ll scrub it for mistakes and make sure it sounds like you.

The best way to make your next creative piece stand out is to follow these three steps with the help of some creative writing prompts!

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How to write prompts: beginner steps

Why do you want to write creatively?

If you want to improve your writing, want to share your thoughts or views, or want to express yourself more creatively, then writing creatively is the perfect place to start.


You don’t need to be a professional writer or have a lot of experience to write creatively. All you need is a little bit of inspiration. Good inspiration can come from anywhere! The best way to find inspiration is by using writing prompts.

Writing prompts are questions that can help you get your thoughts started and jumpstart your creativity. The prompts are often fun and creative, which will help you get the creative juices flowing. You’ll be able to think of new topics you never would have thought of before if you just took the time to brainstorm.

If you’re looking for new and exciting writing prompts, then look no further! Follow these steps and techniques to get the most out of your writing:

  1. Get out of a creative rut
  2. Find inspiration for your writing
  3. Develop your creativity
  4. Find interesting writing topics
  5. Unlock your creativity
  6. Get in touch with your inner voice
  7. Find the perfect title for your next blog post, story, or poem
  8. Break out of a creative slump
  9. Find the perfect angle for your content

When and where to use these prompts

Creative writing prompts are a great way for beginners to get creative juices flowing. They can help you with writing fiction–like a short story–or nonfiction content.


A creative writing prompt is a question that you can use as the backbone of your piece. It may be a question that you answer, or it may be a question that you explore in your piece.

In order to use a creative writing prompt, you first need to decide what type of writing you’ll be doing with it:

  • Creative Nonfiction: These prompts often have you explore a topic or answer a question.
  • Creative Fiction: These prompts often have you answer a question or explore a topic.

For both types of writing, you can use one or more prompts or go with your own ideas. When using one or more prompts, it’s best to use them as a guide for your piece and not strictly as instructions. This will help you develop your creativity and your ability to write creatively.

A creative writing prompt can be used anywhere and anytime: at work, at home, on the train, before bed, and anytime in between! The best time to use them is when you feel like your creativity is waning and you need 

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What are some good writing prompts - The Best Writing Prompts for Beginners

What are some good writing prompt examples

Writing prompts are a great way to get your creativity flowing and to get your creative juices flowing. These prompts can help you:

  1. “What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done?”
  2. “If you could go anywhere, where would you go?”
  3. “What are you most afraid of?”
  4. “What is your worst nightmare?”
  5. “What is the worst situation you could ever imagine happening?”
  6. “What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?”

Writing prompts with articles

What is the best way to think of an idea?

This is one of the most common questions that writers ask when they’re in the process of planning their next creative piece. When it comes to knowing where to start, it can be tough.

The best way to think of an idea is to use an article title generator. These generators will help you brainstorm creative titles for your writing piece. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing an article, poem, short story, or anything in between—you can use these generators to come up with article titles in seconds.


If you have a particular idea in mind for your next creative piece, you can also use one of these article title generators to get inspiration for your creative piece. You can plug in different words or phrases that are relevant to your creative piece and the generator will spit out some great titles for you.

It doesn’t matter if you have a broad idea or a specific idea, these article titles will help you get started with your writing!

Article writing prompts examples

  1. Write an article about a problem you used to have and how you solved it.
  2. Write an article about a character you’ve made up and their life story.
  3. Write a scene from a movie that never happened.
  4. Write a letter to a loved one that you haven’t seen in a long time.
  5. Write a scene from a book you’re going to write.
  6. Write about the most interesting person you’ve met recently.
  7. Write about what your life would be like if one of your dreams came true.
  8. Write an article with at least 10 sentences, each starting with “If I had to pick…”
  9. Write an article about the happiest moment in your life.
  10. Write an article about the most challenging moment in your life.

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Creative writing prompts for Beginners

Creative writing is one of the most popular forms of self-expression even if some people don’t think they’re creative. Creative writing prompts, like the ones below, are a great way to jumpstart your creative process.


The first step to getting started is to identify what you want to write about. Once you know your topic, you can use these writing prompts to help you create a story or poem or anything else your imagination can think of!

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Here are some 12 great writing prompts for beginners (examples):

  1. Write about your day
  2. Write about the last time you had an argument
  3. Write about your first kiss
  4. Write about your best childhood memory
  5. Write about your best childhood friend
  6. Write about your best childhood memory that happened with that friend
  7. Write about a day in your life without technology
  8. Write about your favorite childhood book or toy
  9. Write about what’s on the ceiling above you right now
  10. Write about your favorite song lyric
  11. Write about your first crush
  12. Write about the happiest moment of your day

Writing prompts for writers

The best way to come up with creative content is to use writing prompts. A writing prompt is a suggested topic or question that will help you come up with creative content. They help you get your creative juices going, inspire your creativity, and give you a starting point for your work.

There are many different types of writing prompts, and they can be helpful in a variety of ways. The best way to use a writing prompt is to take a few seconds to think about it and then start writing. 


Some prompts can be used to help you dig deep into your emotions, while others will help you explore your creativity.

The goal of a writing prompt is to get you thinking creatively. 

You can use prompts to come up with blog posts, stories, poems, songs, or even a screenplay. When you’re stuck for ideas, try using some of these great prompts to get your creative juices flowing!

Final Thoughts

You can keep track of your favorite writing prompts by saving them to a document, bookmarking the page, or adding them to your writing journal. This will help you build a collection of prompts for future use.


There are many different types of writing prompts out there for beginners, so you should choose the ones that work best for you. Some people enjoy writing about their day, while others like to write about their emotions. You should experiment with different types of prompts to see what inspires you and what you enjoy the most.

It’s important to remember that creativity is a skill that can be developed and nurtured. The more you practice and the more you write, the better you’ll get at it! So don’t worry if you’re not feeling creative at the moment. You’ll get there!

What are you waiting for? so brainstorm your ideas, get prompts, make unique content, and get traffic to your website! And if you are on Blogger, check how to increase traffic on Blogger!

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