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How to Know Someone Is Having a Panic Attack – My Story Behind!

There is no way that a person has never heard of panic attacks because you have either dealt with panic attacks or known someone who struggles with them. However, you need to learn the basic signs that will allow you to know when someone is having a panic attack in order to help them. There are…

There is no way that a person has never heard of panic attacks because you have either dealt with panic attacks or known someone who struggles with them. However, you need to learn the basic signs that will allow you to know when someone is having a panic attack in order to help them.

There are a lot of things you can do to make the attack less uncomfortable or to help someone you know. But first, we need to define panic attacks and what sets them off. We also need to know the difference between a panic attack and an anxiety attack as some people, unfortunately, mix the two up.

I still remember my very first panic attack, I was at work and I felt the air intensify. I needed air as I couldn’t breathe at all. My vision got blurry and I couldn’t focus on anything. I ran to the bathroom and sat on the floor trying to regulate my breathing. I honestly thought I was having a heart attack. 

After I calmed down, I did what every sane person does, I went online to look up what happened. Dr. Google introduced me to panic attacks and it all started since then.


I had frequent attacks after that time and I didn’t know how to deal with them. I also couldn’t ask for help as I felt ashamed of myself. It took me a lot of time to understand what was going on and to identify my triggers. Thankfully, I’ve been able to control and even avoid them. 

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How to Know Someone Is Having a Panic Attack - My Story Behind!

What’s A Panic Attack?

A panic attack can be defined as an intense feeling of apprehension or oncoming disaster mixed with a tense physical reaction. The person starts fighting for breath while they experience chest pains, blurry vision, and a strong feeling of fright. Hyperventilation is a common reaction during an attack. All these symptoms make a person panic (hence the name panic attacks).

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Why Do Panic Attacks Occur?

When I asked my psychologist about panic attacks, she told me that they were normal. That they are the mind’s way of telling you that something is wrong.


The reason behind panic attacks can differ from a person to person. There can be a wide range of triggers, such as: being faced with a phobia and not being able to cope, over-breathing, and stress. 

I read once that excess consumption of caffeine can cause panic attacks and I found that ironic as I drink coffee more than water. 

What’s The Difference Between A Panic Attack And An Anxiety Attack?

First, let’s establish that there is indeed a difference between the two. An anxiety attack lasts longer than a panic attack. It can last for months while a panic attack can end in a matter of minutes. 

A panic attack is sudden and extreme while an anxiety attack builds up gradually and it’s usually revolved around a certain worrying thought.


The common symptoms of a panic attack are chest pain, trembling, increased heart rate, and shortness of breath. While an anxiety attack is known for disturbed sleep, muscle tension, and irritability. 

How Can I know If I’m Having A Panic Attack?

Trust me, you will know.   

The most common symptoms are accelerated heart rate, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, feeling of suffocation or smothering, chest pain, nausea, and dizziness. 

A person simply cannot notice these symptoms as they are intense and can be paralyzing. I personally forget where I am or what I was doing when I have an attack. 


My brain convinces me that I’m dying. I fight for air and feel that it was the end. Spoiler alert, it’s the end.

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How Can I Stop A Panic Attack?

It can be very overwhelming and extremely scary to have a panic attack for the first time. However, it is necessary to know as much as possible about panic attacks to be prepared in case they happen again. 

Once you recognize all of the signs and understand that you are having a panic attack instead of a heart attack, it becomes easier to control it. Part of solving a problem is identifying it, right? 

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There are multiple ways to stop a panic attack. I personally prefer to sit down and put my head between my knees. I then focus on my breathing and try to calm myself down. 

  • Finding a focus object is also very helpful, I remember once I had a panic attack at the train station and couldn’t move. I focused on my yellow shoelaces and tried to breathe deeply until it stopped. 
  • Deep breathing is considered very useful in stopping a panic attack. You basically focus on taking deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathe in for a count of four, hold it in for a second, then let it out for a count of four. You can practice this breathing technique before going to bed so you can get used to it. 

Can I Avoid Panic Attacks In The Future?

What’s horrible about panic attacks is that they come out of the blue and take you by surprise. However, you can do some activities to avoid them. Although that is not always possible. 

  • Exercise has been proven to help reduce the possibility of panic attacks as it helps you manage stress and improve your mood. 
  • Breathing exercises help your body stay calm and they also allow you to relieve the attacks easily when they occur. 
  • A healthy diet can also help as it allows your blood sugar levels to stay stabilized.
  • You must avoid caffeine and smoking as they can make your attacks way worse. 
  • Avoid stressful situations and environments. I had to quit working in a hostile environment for the sake of my mental health as my panic attacks were frequent and honestly painful and draining

Please note that if your panic attacks are more frequent, you must seek professional help

How Can I Know If Someone Is Having A Panic Attack?

How to know someone is having a panic attack and how to help them

If you know someone who struggles with panic disorder or anxiety, you might have already seen them having an attack so it would be easier for you to help. Otherwise, if you have never witnessed an attack, it might be frightening to not know what was happening.

There are ways to tell when someone is having a panic attack, such as becoming withdrawn, they suddenly become distant and quiet. Their breathing changes and they look hot and agitated. They might even break in sweat and start shaking or trembling

How Can I Help Someone Who Is Having A Panic Attack?

Once you are sure that someone is having a panic attack, you can try to help them by staying with them and keeping calm.

  • You can open a window so they can get a bit of fresh air. 
  • If the person already takes medication for panic attacks, you can get it for them. 
  • You must remain calm because freaking out would only make it worse for your friend. 
  • Speak plainly in short sentences and avoid any surprise moves. 
  • You can talk to them and say calming things such as, “I’m right here with you, tell me what you need” and “What you are feeling is not dangerous yet it is scary”.
  • You can also help them through the attack by breathing with them or by counting slowly to 10.

If you know someone who struggles with panic attacks, it might be helpful if you do some research on the matter and learn a couple of tricks that would help them.

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It is necessary to have a basic knowledge of panic attacks and mental health in general as we barely know anything on the matter. 

Thanks to the internet, you can learn anything in a matter of minutes. There are blogs, articles, and even Youtube videos explaining mental illnesses and even offering tips that could help those in need. If you really want to help someone, all you need to do is go online.

Please, let’s look out for each other so we can have a better future.

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