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Why Mental Health Is So Important? Effects and How to Help

It’s essential to understand the importance of our mental health in order to live a healthier life. There is a wide misconception that mental health isn’t as important as physical health. However, people who believe this tend to forget that the human body can’t function without a brain and vice versa. Mental and physical health…

It’s essential to understand the importance of our mental health in order to live a healthier life. There is a wide misconception that mental health isn’t as important as physical health. However, people who believe this tend to forget that the human body can’t function without a brain and vice versa. Mental and physical health are fatal to each other. One simply cannot exist without the other. Just because mental illness can be easily disguised doesn’t mean it’s not there or it’s irrelevant. 

What’s the point of having a healthy body if our minds are in deep trouble? It’s like having a perfect spotless car without a working engine. 

the importance of mental illness

Unfortunately, we haven’t been taught well when it comes to mental health. I personally didn’t understand the importance of mental health until I started struggling with a bunch of illnesses. I found myself lost and useless as I didn’t know what to do or how to deal with what was going on in my mind. So, I turned to distractions instead of seeking professional help because I simply didn’t grasp how vital it was to take care of my mental health.

It’s sad how we pay attention only when something is wrong. If we’ve been taught rightfully and properly we would all have been careful and more attentive to our mental health and its importance.


Lately, I have been paying more attention to my mental health as it started affecting my day-to-day life. It got really bad to the point that I needed professional help. I also turned to books for answers and that made living a bit better and much easier.

Also read: Self-Help Books About Happiness.

Effects of Mental Illness on the body, social life, family life, and professional life: 

the importance of mental health

The importance of mental health cannot be summarized in a couple of sentences as it’s a very delicate subject. However, I tried to do the impossible and pinpoint some of the effects our mental health has on our life.

  1. Effects Of Mental Illness On Physical Health

As we already know, our brain is responsible for keeping us alive. How can anyone do its work if it’s tired, sick, or neglected? The more we face mental issues, the more tired we physically feel. 


Most people lose their appetite when they are depressed or anxious and that makes it even worse as the body becomes more tired. Some people turn to cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol to soothe their troubles and that weakens the body which results in more mental trouble. 

To emphasize the effect our mental health has on our bodies, I will list some of the most common mental illnesses and their effects.

  • Depression

This slow killer does a lot of noticeable and unnoticeable damage. Not only does it drain the person from their energy and make them feel dead inside, but it also ruins their physical health. It has been linked to many chronic illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, cancer, and much more. It also causes insomnia and chronic fatigue. 

  • Anxiety:
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Anxiety puts the person at more risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. It’s also known for resulting in IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). It also weakens the immune system, making the person more vulnerable to frequent illnesses and viruses.

  • Eating Disorders: 

Anorexia Nervosa or Binge Eating Disorder are some of the eating disorders out there. They can be fatal and crucial to the body and they can sometimes lead to hospitalization or even death. 

Binge eating disorder can lead to excessive weight gain and that itself can lead to many diseases and reduce the quality of life. 

Anorexia on the other hand can reduce bone density, cause dehydration, and a weakened immune system.

  1. Effects Of Mental Health On Social Life:

It’s important to understand that not only does your mental health affect your body but it also affects your social life. People with mental illnesses tend to distance themselves from the outside world either out of fear of judgment or to seek peace. 


I personally distance myself when I go through depressive episodes and that tends to ruin my social life as some people take it personally and I end up coming off as mean and rude. 

The more a person struggles, the smaller their social circle gets. Since we aren’t prepared to deal with mental illness and those who struggle with it we tend to run from people in their hour of need. Like Dan Brown said, “We all fear what we do not understand”. 

If we were more educated on the matter, we would offer a helping hand to our friends and loved ones who suffer in silence instead of leaving them when they need us most. 

On the other hand, asking for help and support can be very hard as it makes the person feel as if they are a burden so they end up closing in on themselves to fight their own demons.

  1. Effects Of Mental Illness On Family And Kids: 

I believe that the worst thing that could happen to a family of any size is to be burned with mental illness. Not only does it make the person who is sick guilty (and that only worsens their state of mind), but it makes the entire family suffer too. 

How could a depressed mother find joy watching her kids grow if she can’t find joy in herself? How could an anxious father allow their kids to live their lives if he’s always excessively worried that something would happen to them? 

The rising tension in a household would affect everyone’s life. The negative energy alone would bring everyone down which adds to the tension and stress.  

  1. Effects Of Mental Illness On Professional Life:
See also:  9 Common Mental Health Misconceptions & How to Overcome Them

I can speak from experience when I say that when I’m not mentally well, I shut down and can’t do anything productive. Thankfully, I don’t work in an office and I have more control over my professional life. Some people don’t have that luxury and find themselves forced to go to work when they are in their worst shape. Not only would they not be able to do their job well, but they can be more prone to accidents in the workplace due to their short span of attention. 


Their performance would also go down and that can result in loss of employment which would increase their troubles.

Check also: 9 Psychology Courses After 12th

How can you help yourself or someone in need?

mental health is important

Until now, we have focused on the importance of our mental health in our day-to-day life. What we can do next is figure out how to deal with it and how to help others who struggle.

Please let’s not forget that those in serious trouble must seek professional help as soon as they can. It can be vital and life-threatening to not seek help when needed. Our minds can easily go to a very dark place and it gets harder to get out of it over time. When I was having suicidal thoughts, I sought help immediately as I was a danger to myself and to others. I wanted to gain control over my life again and with the help of a psychologist, I am now in full control. 


There are many things a person can do to feel mentally better and eventually improve your mental health and make you immune to distress. 

  • Exercise:

Whether you sign up at the gym or exercise at home, physical activity can be really helpful as it keeps the mind distracted a bit and it can make your body healthier. A healthy body = a healthy mind. 

I personally find going on walks to be really helpful as not only clears my mind but also keeps me in shape. 

If you have a friend who struggles, you can be their walking buddy or gym partner. Not only would you get them to move around a bit but it can also give them a chance to open up and talk more about what troubles them.

  • Healthy Eating Habits:

One of the things that get affected by mental illnesses is our appetite. Maintaining a healthy diet can be life-changing. I find myself eating healthy when I’m in a mentally good place and that changes my life drastically. 

It can be really hard to eat when the mind has troubles of its own, but little by little, you can get your life back on track and become a better person. 

If your friend is struggling, you can help them set up a diet that suits them. Assist them but don’t push them too much as some people don’t like to be told what to do.

  • Activities And Hobbies:
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Having hobbies can be really helpful. Personally, I turn to books and movies to help me relax and unwind. Some people like to paint, sing, write, play sports, swim, and much much more. 


Finding a hobby that makes you feel better can be really helpful to overcome any mental troubles as it can be sort of an escape and it increases your quality of life.

If your friend is struggling, you can introduce them to different activities. Show them that life can be fun. There are many activities that you can even do together.

  • Support System:

Having friends and family members who are willing to help and listen to you can be life-changing. You would always have someone to turn to when things get rough. Although your mind might convince you that you are a burden and that you don’t deserve to be loved but that’s 10000% not true. You need to have a solid support system to lead a better life. I am very grateful for my friends who are always here for me even when they have their own problems. Without them, I wouldn’t be here today for sure.

  • Meditation 

Last but not least, meditation can change your thinking ways and help you become a better person. It helps with focus and concentration. It also improves self-esteem and lowers levels of stress and anxiety. 


Whenever I meditate, I feel calmer and my mood hits the roof. It makes me feel like I can do anything. 

You can find videos on Youtube that are short and very useful. This is my favorite one:

Read also: 5 Self-Help Books Written by Psychologists

Final thoughts

Nowadays, we are now more aware of the importance of our mental health and that makes it easier for anyone who struggles to get better. Psychologists and therapists are available everywhere at an affordable cost. Friends and family are willing to step up and help. All you need to do is reach for a helping hand. Please let’s lookout after ourselves and each other to make this planet a better living place.  


I wish that everyone who suffers gets better and eventually gains control over their life. Let me assure you that getting better is possible. All it needs is a bit of effort and patience.

Why Mental Health Is So Important

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