Macros Calculator Bodybuilding Free Tool

This Weight Watchers Freestyle Points Calculator dedicated for all genders, ages, weights,…

Check this #1 macros calculator bodybuilding for weight loss and muscle gain.

Calculate instantly your macronutrients

Choose and type your appropriate information, then click the “Calculate” button to get the result by points.



Current Weight


Formula ?If you know your body fat %, Lean Mass formula may be more accurate.

Activity Level

  • Sedentary
  • Light
  • Moderate
  • Extreme








For best tracking and results, check one of these 3 Weight Watchers Points Calculators

Check this Weight Watchers 360 Points Plus Calculator Bigger Buttons

Check this Weight Watchers Smart Points Calculator – For the Smart Points diet plan


Check this Weight Watchers SmartPoints Calculator for Freestyle Program

All FAQ needed about Macros Calculator Bodybuilding

Macros Calculator Bodybuilding

How do I calculate my macros for building muscle?

As you go about your day, take note of the calories and macronutrients in what you eat. After doing so for a few days, it will get easier to spot patterns in regards to how much protein or fat is needed when cooking dinner. You’ll know if its better off as breakfast or lunch depending on what your macro needs are at that moment.

What is the best free macro calculator?

Macros are essential for the body. They provide energy, help with recovery from exercise and regulate hormones. The macro calculator is an app that calculates nutritional breakdowns of your diet in order to reach a targeted goal (i.e., maintaining weight or gaining muscle). There are many different apps out there- some easy to use and others more difficult but offer quick results while still retaining accuracy as well as giving you information on what foods work best according to your needs!

What is a good macro ratio for bulking?

A good rule of thumb is to aim for a 10% caloric surplus, with 2-2.5g of protein per kg of body weight, 4-7g carbs per kg, and 0.5 fat per kg while bulking. This will ensure that you are getting the right ratio in your diet to build muscle rather than just putting on weight by eating too many calories or not enough carbohydrates.


A common mistake people make when they bulk is going over their calorie goal without realizing it or underestimating how many grams they take in at each sitting because foods like rice and potatoes have more carbohydrates than brownies!

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