Looking for a rewording and paraphrasing tool? Check this free online generator to skip plagiarism and rewrite new texts with the same meanings.
The ability to write clear, concise sentences is a valuable skill. Sentences are used in almost every paragraph or document you write, and even the shortest sentences can help improve your writing skills.
However, sentence rewriting is more than just editing – it’s a process of understanding the meaning of words. With Rewording, you can easily and directly revise your sentences without reading any additional material or leaving your computer.
The tool is based on automated analysis so you get instant results which makes it an excellent option for anyone who wants to study, freelance, or work from home.
Test this free rewording and sentence paraphrasing tool below:
Rewording tool (free live test)
Change instantly your text (instructions):
- Paste your text below and click the “Rewrite” button to get your newly rewritten text.
- If you don’t like the result, you can click “Other Rewrite” to get other versions.
You can improve your text to be more unique and correct. Just click “Copy” and check the Grammar and Plagiarism buttons below:
Everything you need to know about Rewording and Paraphrasing Online

What is the use of the Rewording Tool?
What is a reformulation tool? A reformulation tool is a device for rewriting text using different phrasing while retaining the original meaning.
These rewriting tools are actually software and can be used to reformulate any type of text from a single sentence to an entire article such as an essay or a thesis.
Is there a website that can reword sentences?
Yes, PTO Rewriter is a tool that aids reading comprehension and vocabulary development by simplifying English to a lower reading level. Lets you paraphrase a sentence or a paragraph. It will simplify the English language by reducing the complexity of the text. You may also use other online alternatives, such as Quillbot.
How do you change something into your own words?
To paraphrase means to formulate someone else’s ideas in your own words. To paraphrase a source, you need to rewrite a passage without changing the meaning of the original text. Paraphrase is an alternative to quotation, where you copy someone’s exact words and put them in quotes.
How do you rephrase a sentence?
One of the best ways to change the clarity is to read the sentence once and then set it aside for a while. Then ask yourself, “What am I trying to say with this sentence?” Instead of repeating the sentence like this, pretend you’re just explaining the idea behind the sentence to a friend.
How do you use a rewording and paraphrasing tool?
First, type or paste the text you want to rephrase. If you have already read your article and you are satisfied with the level of spelling and grammar checking that was performed, enter the correct captcha answer and click the “Go!” Button.
How do you paraphrase examples?
Sometimes you just need to paraphrase information from one sentence. Here are some examples of paraphrasing individual sentences.
- The Original: Her life spanned years of amazing change for women as they gained more rights than ever before.
- Rephrase: Live an exciting era of women’s emancipation.
What are the 4Rs of paraphrasing?
Review the chart below explaining the 4 Rs: Read, Repeat, Double Check, and Repair and use the attached chart organizer to help you practice paraphrasing using this strategy.
What are the three types of paraphrasing?
As you will recall, Thinking Collaborative teaches three levels of paraphrasing: recognizing, organizing, and abstracting. We confirm non-verbally with nods of the head, eye contact, etc. while listening.
How do you paraphrase a question?
The paraphrasing process is very simple. Always remember that there are three important elements contained in a question or paraphrased statement. One is that it should have a similar meaning or the same thought as the original question. Next, you should get the same answer as the original question.
Can Grammarly paraphrase?
Grammar. Grammarly is primarily an online spelling and grammar correction tool that can help you find any errors in your text or article. It is available in free and premium versions. Besides paraphrasing, you will definitely need good proofreading software.
Do paraphrasing tools work?
No! Far from reality. With the advancement of technology, many algorithms have been created that detect plagiarism and even include the detection of reworked content. The free reformatting tools do their jobs so poorly that the content that comes out of them has no meaning at all.
Is using a paraphrasing tool cheating?
Ideally, the use of paraphrasing tools is considered a scam because the content is not original and the tools don’t give credit to the real author. However, when well quoted and referenced, paraphrasing is not plagiarism.
Why is paraphrasing so hard?
Paraphrasing or using more than a few directional quotes will disrupt the “flow” of your own writing. Oftentimes, it is difficult for the reader to see how the ideas paraphrased or cited fit into your broader discussion because they have not read the same source material that you did.
What are paraphrasing skills?
Key points. Paraphrasing means rephrasing the text or speech in your own words, without changing its meaning. Summarizing means reducing it to the essentials. You can use both techniques to clarify and simplify complex information or ideas.
What are the benefits of paraphrasing?
Paraphrasing gives you the chance to express important ideas in your own words, which allows you to improve your understanding of the topic. It is therefore a more effective way to learn than to memorize. A paraphrase can be more flexible for the future than a quote because you don’t need to remember the exact words.
When can paraphrasing be used?
When should I rephrase? You will need to paraphrase or summarize when the infinitive formulation is less important than the source meaning. Paraphrasing and the summary allow you to maintain style continuity in your paper and demonstrate your mastery of source materials.
What is the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing?
Paraphrasing involves inserting a passage from the original material in your own words. Summarizing involves putting the main ideas in your words, including only the main points.
What is meant by paraphrasing?
Paraphrasing means presenting ideas and information in your own words and realizing where they come from.
How do you introduce a paraphrase?
It is best to introduce the quote or paraphrase it with a leading phrase that includes the author’s name and provides context for the reader. That is, you must provide the reader with enough information to understand who is being quoted or paraphrased and why.
Why do we paraphrase?
Paraphrasing is important because it shows that you understand the source well enough to write it in your own words. This is important because it shows you and your reader (i.e. your speaker) that you have understood the source well enough to write it down in your own words.
How do you teach paraphrasing?
Try paraphrasing a short paragraph together as a class. Show the paragraph on your document camera or on the board. You may want to give your students their own copies. Make sure your students know the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing.
Is Grammarly really helpful?
For me, Grammarly Premium is worth it. The free version is a useful tool and better than having a second pair of eyes looking at your writing.
It will identify far more spelling and grammar errors than the typical free checker. If you are a writer on a tight budget, try installing Grammarly and try it for yourself.
How do you check if your work is plagiarized?
When full plagiarized sentences are found, the plagiarism detector will identify the original source of that content and display it to you. All you have to do is copy and paste the content into the text field and then click the “Check Plagiarism” button.
Which is better Turnitin or Grammarly?
Turnitin may be preferable to the plagiarism checker that Grammarly includes for educational organizations. The proofing tool is quite useful and can help users improve their writing over time, which makes Grammarly worth the cost. Writers can also improve their paraphrasing skills as they learn to avoid plagiarism.
Can Turnitin detect paraphrasing tools?
Turnitin uses algorithms that do not detect paraphrasing. Instead, they focus on sentence structures, grammatical patterns, and similar sentences. If you’re ordering a custom homework assignment online, all you need to do is paraphrase each sentence and you’ll be good to go.
How do I reduce similarity on Turnitin?
Quick notes. If your Similarity Index is high and you want to reduce it, check the following: (a) use quotes (“…”) around each quote and cite the source, (b) don’t overuse citations, and (c) your words are not very similar For the original text.
What are paraphrasing tools?
The Rewording Tool is an article rewriter used to create what appears to be new content from what already exists.
The paraphrase tool works by replacing specific words, phrases, sentences, or even entire paragraphs with any number of alternate versions to provide a slightly different variation with each paraphrase.
Is paraphrasing copied?
What exactly does “paraphrase” mean? It means taking the words from another source and rephrasing them using your own vocabulary. This way you are keeping the meaning of the original text, but not copying the exact wording.
Do I need to cite when paraphrasing?
Paraphrasing: You are paraphrasing when you take someone else’s words and rewrite them in your own words without altering the meaning or providing interpretation. The paraphrases are approximately the same length as the original. Always quote your paraphrase.
Can Turnitin detect QuillBot?
Turnitin also says their software can overcome some of these tricks, but you might have to play around with the software settings.
Finally, it’s not just Quillbot, there are dozens of “paraphrasing” tools online, take a look!
What is inappropriate paraphrasing?
Inappropriate paraphrasing is the most common type of plagiarism.
This occurs when the author only makes small changes to the source text, such as using synonyms to replace one or two words, rearranging the original text, using the passive voice instead of the active voice, or changing the verb tense.
What should a paraphrase include?
In addition to quotation marks or indentation, all quoted material should also be quoted, using footnotes, endnotes, or in-text citations. Paraphrasing means including ideas or information from an original source in your article by rephrasing those ideas or information in your own words.
What is paraphrasing and its techniques?
Student Learning Commons services will continue during COVID-19. When writing a paraphrase, you are repeating other people’s ideas in your own words. that is, you write the meaning of the author’s ideas. You use some of the author’s key terms, but you use many of your own words and sentence structures.
How do you paraphrase like a pro?
Keep the paraphrased paragraph simple but clear. Don’t use jargon or you will lose focus on the text.
You should keep the main ideas, but present them in your own writing and style. Don’t use the thesaurus or change a couple of words to paraphrase.
What are the rules of paraphrasing?
Write a “free” paraphrase of your literal paraphrase: put the original text aside. From your literal paraphrase, review the sentences in your own style and words.
Check that you are using roughly the same number of words in both versions. Read your “free” paraphrase aloud to see if it makes sense.
Why is paraphrasing important in communication?
Paraphrasing is a repetition in your words of what you interpreted and what someone else was saying.
Paraphrasing is a powerful way to enhance understanding of the other person and yourself, and it can greatly increase the impact of other people’s comments. It can translate comments so that more people can understand them.
What is paraphrasing in Counselling?
Definition of paraphrasing in counseling. Paraphrasing is repeating your understanding of the material that has been brought in by the client, using your own words. A paraphrase reflects the essence of what was said.
Is it better to quote or paraphrase?
It is generally better to paraphrase than to quote. Quotes tend to stand out. You draw attention to yourself and away from your ideas. So keep them to a minimum and keep them short. If you can quote a few words or a phrase instead of an entire sentence, do it.
When paraphrasing students should always?
False Question 24 1/1 pts. When paraphrasing, students should always use quotation marks and quote the text. Right!
What do Paraphrasing summarizing and quoting all have in common?
Quotes should be identical to the original, using a narrow segment of the source. They must correspond word for word to the source document and must be attributed to the original author. Paraphrasing involves putting a passage from the source material in your own words.
What are three qualities that summaries and paraphrases have in common?
What do the abstracts and paraphrasing have in common? Both are brief and concise information about the text. Both keep the author’s meaning from the text. They both identify only the main ideas that appear in the text.
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