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List of Medical Courses – Top Basic Science Programs Ideas Online

Saying the healthcare industry is always on the boom is an understatement. In fact, there has not been a time when the supply has met the demand in this sector. These among other facts should be enough to convince you to enroll to a medical school. If you are not sure about the specific course…

Saying the healthcare industry is always on the boom is an understatement. In fact, there has not been a time when the supply has met the demand in this sector. These among other facts should be enough to convince you to enroll to a medical school. If you are not sure about the specific course to take, below is a list of medical courses worth considering.

Nursing – 1st in the Medical Courses List

nursing - List of Medical Courses

Nurses are essentially the most underrated yet critical part of the health care system. They are tasked with monitoring patients from the reception to the ward. In some instances, they are also to provide home-based services.

If recent trends are anything to go by, you have more reasons to add nursing to your list of medical courses. Projections indicate that by 2025, there will be a deficit of thousands of nurses. This means that a career in nursing is more of a future-proof venture.

The best part about nursing is that it is done in multiple levels. From the certificate and diploma to bachelor’s degree and masters, there is ideally something for everyone. However, it is advisable to pursue the highest possible level to be in for better opportunities.


Medical Laboratory Science

Medical Laboratory Science - List of Medical Courses

Otherwise known as medical technology, this course focuses primarily on the laboratory aspect of the hospital setting. Once in a while, patients are expected to undergo some tests to ascertain the diseases ailing them.

The growing demand for laboratory tests says why this program tops the list of medical courses to consider. Just like most medical courses, you are not limited to a certain level of study. Whether it is a certificate, degree or diploma, there is always something for everyone in this field.

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Although all levels of study are equally significant, it is obvious that individuals with the highest level of education are entitled to higher perks. Similarly, there is need to align this course with modern-day technology.

Look for an institution that offers medical laboratory science with a blend of technology. The various systems being developed today need qualified personnel to operate and interpret the resulting data before forwarding it to the physicians.


Dentistry – Medical Program

Dentistry - List of Medical Programs

No way we are addressing issues of health and leave dentistry out of the equation. Oral hygiene is among the first impressions in real life. This shows how badly the society needs this service.

With a career in dentistry, you are to perform tasks such as removing tooth decay, filling cavities and repairing fractured teeth. However, dentistry is not limited to aspects of teeth. Everything to do with the mouth has something for a dentist to look after.

With the dentist program in your list of medical courses, you have access to multiple career paths such as periodontistry and orthodontistry. Helping people achieve that perfect smile will be more than satisfying to you.


Physiotherapy - List of Medical Courses

In life, it is all fun and games until you have a serious physical injury. Although you can nurse some comfortably from home without anyone’s help, others are complex and calls for the input of a medical specialist. The specialist in question here is a physiotherapist.


Incorporating this program in your list of medical courses to consider gives you the ability to treat injuries and diseases. All these are to be done via physical approaches. Some of the common physical approaches of treatment include slight exercises, massage as well as manipulation.

Medical Health Records

Medical Health Records Courses

No surprises here, this course is rightfully here. The medical field is diversifying by the day which means careers in this sector are coming up by the day. Part of the upcoming paths to include in your list of medical courses is medical health records.

Traditionally, health records were stored manually with all the searches and entries executed manually. Fast forward, things have changed and these systems are being automized. Technology has revolutionized the sector which makes this program a noble course.


There is a demand for specialists to help feed this data and produce it on demand. The program is thus a futuristic course you need to pursue with all the zeal and enthusiasm.

Microbiology Courses

Microbiology - List of Medical Courses

Although people tend to think that this is a similar program as the medical laboratory, that’s not true. This program is unique on its own and needs to be in your list of medical courses to pursue in 2021 and beyond.

Unlike the medical science part which primarily focuses with tests at the clinical setting, microbiology is majors on the non-clinical setting. It is mainly about the various factors leading to specific diseases. This course involves a detailed analysis of a specimen with the view of studying it further and reveal its physiology and how best to contain them.

Microbiology also deals with a wide array of areas that do not relate directly to the disease in question. That way, practitioners have a better understanding of how pathogens spread and can share this information with biomedical engineers to design the various treatment approaches.

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Physician Programs – Last in the Medical Science Courses List

Physician - Science Medical Course

Last but not least in the list of medical courses to pursue is becoming a physician. Unlike other medical courses, this requires you to be at the top most level whereby you pursue it as a degree and above. Some of the skills associated with this course include patient care, professionalism and developing evidence based solutions.

A physician is ideally the busiest of all professionals in the medical world. On a normal day, a physician diagnose, treat injuries, examine patients as well as give advice to patients. They are the same people who interpret the lab results which show how important physicians are in the medical world.

Final Word

Selecting a medical course that matches your aspirations doesn’t have to be a daunting task. We have compiled a detailed list of medical courses just for you. Make the right choice and don’t forget to ask around when you can.

*Sources: WebMD, Forbes 


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