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List of Animals in the Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon is not just a forest! It is the world’s largest tropical rainforest. Criss-crossing several nations in Latin America, the Amazon is the epitome of biodiversity. With thousands of rivers and a 5.5 million km2 area, this forest harbors multiple animal species. From the harmless and edible to the dangerous and harmful, the Amazon…

The Amazon is not just a forest! It is the world’s largest tropical rainforest. Criss-crossing several nations in Latin America, the Amazon is the epitome of biodiversity. With thousands of rivers and a 5.5 million km2 area, this forest harbors multiple animal species. From the harmless and edible to the dangerous and harmful, the Amazon is the perfect definition of Wild Latin America. Below is a detailed list of animals in the Amazon rainforest.

Jaguar Animal

Jaguar is to South America as the cheetah is to Africa. Being the third largest cat after the lion and tiger, the jaguar is indeed a classic jungle icon that cannot miss on the list of animals in the Amazon rainforest.

Just like it is with other cats, do not expect to spot a jaguar the same way elephants are spotted in the African jungle. It takes proper timing and a bit of luck to have a good view of the jaguar. At times, travelling deep into the jungle will be necessary if for sure you are to see one.

Jaguars are known for their killer tactics when preying. Unlike most cats, their diet stretches to over 80 species and is hardly a threat to human beings. Watching jaguars chasing their prey is more of a Fast and Furious 9 scene which makes your South American jungle experience worthwhile.


Mountain Gorilla

If you thought chimpanzees are the largest living primates, then you need to reprogram your mind. Mountain gorillas are.

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With the most developed brain, second to human beings, there is no way the mountain gorilla is missing out on the list of animals in the Amazon Rainforest. These gorillas are common in Central Africa and you will be very lucky to spot one in the vast Amazon area.

The Amazon River Dolphin

Of all animals found in the Amazon River and the larger Amazon area, the freshwater dolphin is by far a crowd favorite. Also known as botto, this fish is famed for its pink pigmentation, though this unique color is still a mystery.

Although these fish is among the endangered animal’s list in the Amazon rainforest, they still exist in their tens of thousands. The Amazon River dolphin is known for its fish-hunting tactics, something that has put the species on collision paths with fishermen. Regardless, the Amazon River dolphin is still an easy spot in the Amazon!


Glass Frog

You think you have seen it all in the rainforest, wait until you encounter a bizarre-looking frog, a glass frog to be specific. Yes, a glass frog. Belonging to the Centrolenidae family, these frogs are green in color with translucent skin.

Unlike usual frogs, the internal organs of the glass frog are visible from the underbelly. Besides this uniqueness, they are known to feed mainly on their young ones.

The Electric Eel

Found beneath the waters of the Amazon River, the electric eel is not a true eel but a knife fish. It is unique in that it can deliver an electric shock to intruders perceived to be a threat.

The electric eel is ideally the most unique of all creatures in the list of animals in the Amazon rainforest. How an earth can a fish generate electricity? Well, scientific data shows that this creature has up to three pairs of specialized abdominal parts that help in electricity generation.

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The eels utilize their electricity generation capacity to stun their prey before munching them!


Potoos are among the most common birds found in the Amazon. Otherwise known as the masters of disguise, potoos are nocturnal and hardly move during the day.

These birds are intelligent enough to locate a stable stump to cling on during the day and eventually hold their single egg. Incubating duties are shared between the male and female. Count yourself lucky if you happen to spot one thanks to their unique camouflage and lifeless pose.


Standing two feet tall and weighing over 100 pounds, the capybara is the world’s known largest rodent. Essentially, the capybara is the representative of the guinea pig in the Amazon.


The capybara is a top feature in the unending Amazon rainforest animals list that resides next to water bodies. Although its natural residence is in the bushy vegetation, it can still survive in water when escaping from predators.

Giant Otter

The giant is among the endangered species existing in the Amazon today. Less than six thousand giant otters can be accounted for.

Back in the day, these otters existed in their tens of thousands but habitat loss continues to harbor their survival. Additionally, hunters are after their luxurious fur, something that is leading to a decline in the otter population.

The Bullet Ant

Famed for its potent sting, the bullet aunt is among the creatures unique to the Amazon. Tiny as they are, these insects are capable of triggering so much pain on the bitten area.

Although there really can’t be a way of measuring the exact pain, it is estimated that the pain is equal to that of a bullet shot. When touring the Amazon, better be careful else…


Do you admire pretty-looking animals like dogs, cats, and rabbits? Then there is no doubt you will fall in love with the sloth. In addition to their pretty face, sloths are the most photogenic of the animals’ list on Amazon rainforest detailed above and below.

Being pretty slow at everything, you have all the time in the world to photograph them and capture their unique poses.

Other Creatures on the Animals in the Amazon Rainforest List

  • Anaconda
  • Bull shark
  • The Amazonian giant centipede
  • Poison dart frogs
  • Piranha
  • Wooly monkey
  • Amazon kingfisher
  • Arapaima
  • Candiru fish
  • Amber phantom fly
  • Black caiman
  • Amazonian tapir… and many more

Final Word

Although we are in the digital age, nature still needs us. Why spend the whole day Netflixing while you can have more valuable time interacting with the wild. From insects and birds to snakes and bigger animals, the Amazon rainforest presents the perfect example of what nature can offer with all factors being held constant.


Hope you liked this Amazon rainforest animals list.

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