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List of Paramedical Courses – Notable Programs to Consider Online

Paramedic or medic, which is which? There is a lot of confusion on the differences between the two. Just to clear the air, paramedics are individuals trained to offer care outside the hospital setting. The expansive nature of today’s health system means there are multiple professions aligned to paramedics. Are you looking forward to a…

Paramedic or medic, which is which? There is a lot of confusion on the differences between the two. Just to clear the air, paramedics are individuals trained to offer care outside the hospital setting. The expansive nature of today’s health system means there are multiple professions aligned to paramedics. Are you looking forward to a paramedic career? Below is a list of paramedical courses to consider.

MSc in Pediatric Nursing – 1st in this List of Paramedical Courses

Nursing is ideally the most common of all categories in the list of paramedical courses. The best specialization you can have as a nurse is becoming a pediatric nurse.

Being one of the most marketable courses, pediatric nurses play a vital role in the health sector. These nurses are mainly involved in the health of children by monitoring and providing the necessary care.

Traditionally, nothing in the form of certification was required to practice in the pediatric field. Things have changed and there is a need to get specialized training. Today, the best route to become a qualified pediatrician is by first obtaining a bachelors degree in nursing.


Fast forward, you need to be a Registered Nurse under the ANA followed closely by enrolling for a Master’s degree. The master’s degree automatically qualifies you for this highly specialized job and you can be trusted with toddlers and teenage lives.

The final certification is offered by the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board upon completion of the Master’s degree. The school you enroll to doesn’t matter as such but the overall grade and skill attained do!

MSc in Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing

Has the thought of specializing in women’s health ever crossed your mind? Then incorporating the Master’s degree in obstetrics and gynecology in your list of paramedical courses should not be a debate. Combining obstetrics and gynecology, this degree is among the few that offer two programs in one.

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By the end of the course, graduates are expected to be specialists in matters of women’s reproductive health. From pregnancy and childbirth to other problems in women’s reproductive health, this course introduces you to the incredible world of solving women’s problems.


Eligibility to this course is based on your previous score in the BSc program. Similarly, you will have to pass admission exams offered either collectively or by individual colleges.

BSc in Physiotherapy

If you have suffered an illness or injury that impacted your mobility, then you know what physiotherapy is all about. Primarily, a physiotherapist works with patients by helping them to manage their pain and balance.

Simple as it may look, physiotherapy is a key inclusion in the list of paramedical courses to consider. Managing peoples’ pain requires certain levels of expertise. Although having a certificate or diploma in the same still qualifies you to practice, having a degree makes you irreplaceable.

The U.S. is among the many nations that have adopted strict policies for one to be allowed to practice. Essentially, vigorous training which comes with lots of education is mandatory.


Also known as the doctor of physical therapy (DPT), this program takes up to three years depending on the enrolled institution. With 80% classroom and lab and 20% clinical, a BSc in physiotherapy from an accredited institution indeed prepares to be a reliable paramedic.

BSc in Audiology and Speech Therapy

If you are really passionate about healthcare, there is no way the BSc in audiology and speech therapy is missing in your list of paramedical courses to consider. This course is a three-year degree that focuses on speech disorders and how to train the affected parties.

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Simple as it may look on paper, this degree is not the easiest you will find in medical school neither is it the hardest. It all depends on your concentration level which is critical in all courses. For you to enroll in this course, you need to pass class 12 with at least 55 percent.

The whole essence of this course is to equip graduates with the requisite knowledge to deal with speech-related disorders.


BSc in Anesthesia Technology

Wanted to work in a theater setting but your final grade messed you big? Don’t worry, we got your back. Sometimes you don’t have to be a surgeon to be relevant in an operation room. If anything, surgeons are mere facilitators who cannot function on their own.

One of the noble ways to salvage your career path is by incorporating this degree into your list of paramedical courses to consider. To be eligible for this course, you must have pursued physics, chemistry, and biology up to the 12th. If in any case, the 12th has messed you up, you can as well pursue the equivalent examinations offered by accredited bodies.

Anesthesia technologists work in a critical and controlled environment which calls for the highest levels of concentration. The course prepares you psychologically to work in a theater. The best about it is that jobs in the health care system are never a problem.

Diploma in Dialysis Technology – Last in this Paramedical Courses List

You may be asking, how is dialysis technology in the list of paramedical courses? Well, it should be! The health care industry is vast and varied with crucial elements developing every other day. The field of paramedical education has seen the introduction of many different specializations.

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One of the eye-catching introductions is the 2-year dialysis technology. Abbreviated as DDTs, these specialists are trained on the basic operation of the dialysis machines and other related systems.

Apart from operating the machines, these specialists are trained on proper communication techniques. These same graduates will be communicating regularly with their patients and assuring them the procedures are safe.

Other Courses in the List of Paramedical Courses You Might Consider

  • Postgraduate diploma in medical radio diagnosis
  • MSc in community health nursing
  • MSc in medical lab technology
  • Diploma in dermatology
  • Diploma in clinical research

Final Word

The extensive list of paramedical courses highlighted here is just but a guideline. For more information, it will be wise of you to visit individual institutions’ websites and get firsthand information. Stay guided as you make career choices that you won’t regret!

Hope this Paramedical Courses List helped you. Share it with your friends!


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