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List of Movies on Amazon Prime to Watch

Factors to Consider When Selecting a List of Movies on Amazon Prime Movies have in the recent past become a reliable source of entertainment in modern households. The emergence of streaming platforms such as Amazon Prime means even the current Covid-19 pandemic can’t stop the theatre industry. Even with the internet being readily available, finding…

Factors to Consider When Selecting a List of Movies on Amazon Prime

Movies have in the recent past become a reliable source of entertainment in modern households. The emergence of streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime means even the current Covid-19 pandemic can’t stop the theatre industry. Even with the internet being readily available, finding the perfect list of movies on Amazon Prime is never a walk in the park.

Locating the appropriate combination of movies on any streaming platform is quite a task.

Below are some of the insights to keep you going when looking for movies on Amazon Prime.

Preview the Trailer

A movie trailer is essentially a short video advertisement whose primary purpose is to entice potential viewers to an upcoming film. Identifying the perfect list of movies on Amazon Prime starts with previewing their trailers.


An excellent example to show how movie trailers create excitement is when the Fast and Furious trailer was released at the end of January 2021. What brings more excitement is the fact that legendary WWE icon John Cena is part of the cast.

Movie trailers are ideally two minutes long. The two minutes are action-packed and represent the key highlights from the anticipated movie. If the trailer doesn’t leave you at the edge of the seat, don’t expect the film to do any better.


Although trailers play a crucial role when designing an intriguing list of movies on Amazon Prime, they cannot be the alpha and omega. There are a host of other issues that need to be under consideration. Key among is the rating of the movie.

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Federal laws require producers to indicate the rating of the movies to ensure lawful exposure. Some of the rating information to look out for include:-

  • Teen
  • Restricted
  • Mature
  • All
  • P.G. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 etc

When scriptwriters offer their various works to be used in films, there is always a target age in mind. Movies are designed for different audiences. Some are for teens, others for kids, while others are for adults only.

It will be utterly disgusting for an adult to watch a film full of curse words with kids. For this reason, check out the disclaimer to be sure you meet the set audience conditions.


The saying, ‘music is the language of the soul’ is never far from the truth. The music in the background of a film speaks volumes about its quality and content. Essentially, good and quality sound complement the visuals in a given film.

The music in the background is essentially a replica of the energy the actors and directors have put in the movie. Ideally, the music and visuals should complement one another. If they don’t, then skip and look for other desirable movies on Amazon Prime.



When compiling a list of movies on Amazon Prime, you want something unique. From the plot to the setting and storyline, everything should look fresh in your eyes. Always go for films with unique concepts to beat monotony.

However, don’t expect this originality to reflect even when it comes to individual actors. Expect these authors to appear in several movies, but the roles they play are entirely different.

Creativity and innovation are what keeps the theatre industry alive. Always strive for a list of movies on Amazon Prime that demonstrate the highest levels of creativity and originality.

Mind the Genre

Every person has a genre of movie that they like. Whether it is horror, action, animation, martial arts, or any another, you must first decide what you are going for on Amazon Prime. The best part is that this platform is home to all.

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The genre also goes hand in hand with the audience and timing. For example, it will be utterly disgusting to watch a Halloween-themed movie, yet it is Christmas season. The season and age of the viewers all inform the decision you make.

If you are dealing with a family setup, know what each member likes. Try to create a balance to guarantee satisfaction in all of them. Even as you do all this, be mindful of the ratings, or else you will be left with a slap on your face.

Go for Realism

The ‘very best’ movies should portray events that the audience can relate to.  All the actions need to be plausible and believable. An excellent example of the same is the movie White House Down.

The White House Down film depicts America’s war with terrorism. Even before the days of 9/11, America had no room for negotiation with terrorists.


No matter the strength and magnitude of the attack, American soldiers have always come out on top. In short, this film shows the preparedness levels among American soldiers even when attacks are least expected.

Another aspect that genuinely depicts realism is telling people-based stories. Movies with people-based stories are easy to follow through, thanks to the fact that there is a popular face behind them.

An example of such a film is All American True Story. This movie is based on Spenser, a former football player who narrates his upbringing in LA.

When picking a list of movies on Amazon Prime, always opt for realism over fantasy!


Ask For Recommendations from Friends

Friends and family are ideally the best assets you will have for positive reviews. Consult among your friends and let them help you draft a compressive list of movies on Amazon Prime.

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Your closest family members also play a big part in making the right choices. After all, they are the reason you are going for these movies.

List of Movies on Amazon Prime to Consider In 2021

  • Sound of Metal
  • 30 Days of Night
  • Serenity
  • Chemical Hearts
  • The Tomorrow War
  • Vertigo
  • Awakenings
  • Stop Making Sense
  • The Upside
  • Patriot
  • Uncle Drew
  • The Lie
  • Fences… and many more

Final Remarks

Online platforms such as Amazon Prime have become the place to go for movie lovers. Draft a list of movies on Amazon Prime that you adore and let the big screen do the talking. To enjoy it even more, an Amazon Prime subscription will be a huge relief.

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