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Best Free Tools to Change Paragraphs

This free paragraph changer tool can help you change sentences easily and quickly. To change sentences with the same meaning and rewrite to avoid plagiarism.

This free paragraph changer tool can help you change sentences easily and quickly. To change sentences with the same meaning and rewrite to avoid plagiarism.

Paragraph Changing Tool is an online tool for changing sentences automatically. It can be used as a simple paragraph-changing tool or as a complex sentence-changing tool. You just have to input the text and select the desired paragraph style and you are done.

It will find the change in sentences automatically and let you know where it will relocate your sentences.

A paragraph-changing tool is one of the most writing must-haves. It makes it easy to extract original content from essays, blog posts, articles, and other sources in order to create new content that’s more interesting than what was originally published and avoid plagiarism.


Using these paraphrasing tools online features, you can combine two or more sentences into one sentence and make sure everything still makes sense. This can be useful, especially in academic writing where you may want to combine multiple longer paragraphs into one shorter paragraph.

Free paragraph changer tool

Change instantly your text (INSTRUCTIONS)

– Paste your text below and click the “Change” button to get your newly rewritten text.
– If you don’t like the result, you can click “Other Rewrite” to get other versions.
– You can improve your text to be more unique and correct. Just click “Copy” and check Grammar and Plagiarism.

Everything you need to know about paragraph changing

Follow this paragraph changer tool free and changing sentences generator’s frequently answered questions…

Changing Sentences Generator - Paragraph Changer Tool Free

How do you change a sentence into your own words?

To paraphrase is to formulate someone else’s ideas in your own words.  To paraphrase a source, you must rewrite a passage without changing the meaning of the original text.  Paraphrasing is an alternative to quoting, where you copy someone’s exact words and put them in quotes.

How do you rephrase a sentence for free online?

QuillBot is an advanced rework tool.  It is the best article rewriting tool, and it can rewrite an entire article for free.  Simply enter a sentence, and hit the “Quill It” button.  QuillBot will then reformulate the content while preserving the original meaning.

Is there a website that can reword sentences?

Site Summary: helps with reading comprehension and vocabulary development by simplifying English at a lower reading level.  It allows you to rephrase a sentence or rephrase a paragraph.

How do you change the structure of a sentence?

Vary the subject of your sentences. 


Break up long sentences. 

Particularly complex: See if the new rhythm suits your piece better.  Use a subordinate clause (dependent) before the topic.

What are the 4 R’s of paraphrasing?

Key Resource: The 4 Rs: A Paraphrasing Strategy Review the graphic below that explains the 4 Rs: Read, Rephrase, Recheck, and Repair and use the attached graphic organizer to help you practice paraphrasing using this strategy.

What is the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing?

Paraphrasing involves putting a passage from the source material in your own words.  A paraphrase should also be attributed to the original source.  … Summarizing is putting the main idea (s) in your own words, including only the main point (s).


How do you paraphrase correctly?

Read the text carefully.  Make sure you fully understand the text, put the original text aside and write paraphrasing in your own words.  … see your paraphrase.  … include a quote in the text in the expected formatting style (APA, MLA, etc.) Explain why the reworded information is important.

See also:  Best Paraphrase Tool Online (Free Generators)

Can Grammarly paraphrase?

Grammar.  Grammarly is primarily an online spelling and grammar proofing tool that can help you find any errors in your text or article.  It is available in both free and premium versions.  In addition to paraphrasing, you will certainly need good correction software.

What is correct sentence?

For a sentence to be grammatically correct, both the subject and the verb must be singular or plural.  In other words, the subject and the verb must agree with each other in their time.

Is using a paraphrasing tool cheating?

Final Thoughts on Paraphrasing Tools


It’s not a copout, and it’s definitely not a form of cheating.  Writers have to produce large amounts of content and time is always a concern.  If this tool can do it at a faster pace, you should give it a try.

How can I check my sentence in English?

To check your grammar, click the Check Grammar button.  The system checks for common punctuation errors, common grammatical errors and ESL grammatical errors, incorrect findings, contextual misspellings, and word selection errors.  The results of the grammar check are listed under the text area.

Does paraphrasing show up on Turnitin?

Turnitin uses algorithms that do not detect paraphrase.  Instead, they focus on sentence structures, grammar patterns, and similar phrases.  If you order a custom assignment online, all you have to do is paraphrase each sentence and you’re good to go.

Is paraphrasing tool plagiarizing?

Plagiarism and Paraphrasing (Changing Sentences Generator)


Techniques Of course, if the original source material is not cited, the work may be considered plagiarized.  However, using a paraphrase tool means that the writing is not really original or attributable to the author.

Is using Grammarly cheating?

Grammar itself is an algorithm used to correct grammatical errors, spelling errors, as well as to detect possible plagiarism in everyday writing.  … Using Grammarly is by no means cheating.

How do you check if your work is plagiarized?

If complete stolen sentences are found, the plagiarism detector will identify the original source for that content and show you.  All you have to do is copy and paste the content into the text box and then click the “Check Spoofing” button.

Is Grammarly as good as Turnitin?

Grammarly has proven useful in both school and professional settings.  Because of its plagiarism utility, some people compare Grammarly to Turnitin.  Like Grammarly, Turnitin creates more tools;  however, the target audience for these tools is slightly different.  Turnitin software is marketed to those who teach.


What is the most common word order?

Among characteristic dialects with a word request inclination, SOV is the most widely recognized sort (trailed by subject–action word object; the two kinds represent over 75% of common dialects with a favored request).

What grade do you diagram sentences?

Outlining Sentences

Outlining is commonplace center school passage, normally seventh grade. Nonetheless, kids as youthful as third or fourth can deal with it, if the unpredictability of the sentence is controlled.

How do you change something into your own words?

To paraphrase is to formulate someone else’s ideas in your own words.  To paraphrase a source, you must rewrite a passage without changing the meaning of the original text.  Paraphrasing is an alternative to quoting, where you copy someone’s exact words and put them in quotes.


How do you use QuillBot?

QuillBot is a reworking tool that uses machine learning to paraphrase and restructure selected text.  It works like a complete thesaurus: users simply right-click a sentence and hit “Launch QuillBot” to paraphrase the sentence.  Users can then edit the output on the side panel and place it in their document.

See also:  Best Free Tools to Change Sentences

How do you simplify a sentence?

Clear communication: simplify your sentences

  • Keep your sentences fairly short
  • Make sure you have one main idea per sentence
  • Divide long sentences
  • Cut unnecessary words to shorten sentences
  • Put things in subject-verb-object order
  • Keep  the verb close to its subject and its object. 
  • Use linking words and punctuation.

How do you rephrase a question?

When answering questions, it is important to answer in such a way that the person knows what the question is without reading or knowing the question beforehand.  To do this, you must rephrase the question and use words from the question to begin your answer.

How do you turn something into a question?

Move the help verb to the beginning of the sentence to ask a question.  Rewrite the sentence with the help verb as the first word.  Leave the other words in the same place and write them exactly as they appear in the statement.  This will turn your statement into a question.


How do you turn a thesis into a question?

Start writing your thesis based on your research question…

Research Paper Exercise

  1. Make sure your thesis has a clear audience. 
  2. Make a reasonable argument that is not too broad. 
  3. Make a contentious claim, one with a clear argument and a counter-argument.

What is a redirect question?

These questions are simply a question in response to the question that was just asked.  Basically, these questions are meant to help guide students to the answer, prompting them to think perhaps why the question was asked and to try to understand their instructor’s thinking.

What is an embedded question?

An embedded question is a question that is included in another question or statement.  They are common after introductory sentences, such as: I wonder.  Could you tell me.  Do you know.


What is the use of such food make it statement?

There is no use for such food. 

A sentence that ‘affirms or declares a statement’, an opinion, a date, a feeling, an event, an accident, etc. is defined as an assertive sentence.

How do you structure a question in French?

Ask a question in French by raising your voice at the end of the sentence, using est-ce que, changing the normal word order, or using a question word.  When you put the verb in front of the subject, join the two words with a hyphen.  The -t- is used in the form il / elle if the verb ends with a vowel.

How do you change a statement to a WH question?

We usually form Wh questions with an auxiliary verb (to be, to do or to have) main subject verb or with a modal verb main subject verb: Sei: When are you going?


How do you make a yes or no question?

“Yes / No” questions are questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”.  When the sentence contains a modal (verbs like “can”, “will”, “may”) or a form of the verb be or a form of the auxiliary verb have), the question is formed by placing the modal, “be” or “have  ”In front of the subject. (Paragraph Changer Tool Free : Changing Sentences Generator)

Do I need to cite when paraphrasing?

Paraphrase: You paraphrase when you take someone else’s words and rewrite them in your own words without altering the meaning or providing an interpretation.  The paraphrases are roughly the same length as the original.  Always quote your paraphrase.

Does Turnitin detect copy and paste?

To answer your previous question: Yes, Turnitin can definitely detect copy and paste.  If your paper contains content copied from elsewhere and is not properly referenced, Turnitin will find it.  … Turnitin can discover published books as quickly as it can say “plagiarism”.

Changing Sentences Generator - Paragraph Changer Tool Free

What does purple mean on Turnitin?

Purple notations are automatically compiled grammar notations suggested by the Turnitin software.  Blue notations are notations added by the instructor.  These notations are used to provide feedback on grammatical errors.

See also:  How to Use AI Rephrase Tools for SEO Writing (Guide)

What is the acceptable percentage for TurnitIn?

There is no characterized rate coordinate that demonstrates that your work is, or isn’t, copied. A match of 40% might be completely worthy, inasmuch as your work is introduced and referred to accurately. Then again, a match of just 4% may show that your work is supported by inadequate sources.

Why do we paraphrase?

Rewording is significant in light of the fact that it shows you comprehend the source alright to compose it in your own words. … It is significant in light of the fact that it shows you and your peruser (for example your instructor) that you have perceived the source adequately enough to compose it in your own words.

What means collusion?

thing. a mystery arrangement, particularly for fake or misleading purposes; connivance: Some of his workers were acting in intrigue to burglarize him.

Can you paraphrase in a summary?

A synopsis is in your own words, yet some watchwords will be unable to be changed. In any case, an outline can contain brief citations of critical language. A reword is in your own words, yet you should change both the words and the sentence structures of the first entry.


What is an example of summarizing?

Summing up is characterized as taking a great deal of data and making a dense adaptation that covers the central matters. A case of summing up is composing a three or four-sentence depiction that addresses the central matters of a long book. “Summing up.” YourDictionary.

How do you teach paraphrasing and summarizing?

Reword Together

Rephrase – Replace words and expressions with equivalents at whatever point you can.

Revise – Rearrange words inside sentences to make new sentences.


Understand that a few words and expressions can’t be changed – names, dates, titles, and so on.

When can paraphrasing be used?

Reword when: You need to explain a short entry from a book. You need to abstain from abusing citations. You need to clarify a moment that precise wording isn’t significant.

What is a feeling paraphrase?

Reflecting is the way toward rewording and rehashing both the emotions and expressions of the speaker. The reasons for reflecting are: To permit the speaker to ‘hear’ their own musings and to zero in on what they state and feel.

What is the difference between paraphrasing and reflecting?

The distinction among rewording and intelligent listening is that in rewording you are just summing up what the casualty has said. With intelligent tuning in, you are going past summing up to recognizing sentiments that the individual might not have distinguished, yet their words and perspectives highlight such emotions.


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